Verdy x McDonald’s Vick Collector’s Toy 4

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Verdy x McDonald’s Vick Collector’s Toy 4
189,00 zł

Verdy x McDonald’s Vick Collector’s Toy

Japanese graphic artist’s iconic character Vick, redesigned in four special figurine formats, featuring the fast food chain’s Chicken McNuggets, burger, and fries menus

Made of Vinyl

Up to 9,5 cm tall

Zostało tylko 1 sztuk

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Verdy x McDonald’s Vick Collector’s Toy

Japanese graphic artist’s iconic character Vick, redesigned in four special figurine formats, featuring the fast food chain’s Chicken McNuggets, burger, and fries menus

Made of Vinyl

Up to 9,5 cm tall

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Kolor Wielokolorowy
Marka Verdy

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